Friday, July 30, 2010

Are teenagers undervalued by a society that makes all decisions for them?

in school we are taught to be democratic citizens through citizenship lesson but when we are old enough to decide if we want to go war or old enough to pay taxes we cannot vote to represent our you think that it is right or not? And why.Are teenagers undervalued by a society that makes all decisions for them?
If you had a 5 year old child, would you let him or her make all the decisions for themselves. You're at the age of learning your rights, but there are plenty more people that has learnt that a long time ago. Are teenagers undervalued by a society that makes all decisions for them?
Of course teenagers are undervalued, all the guys up the top care about is raising future tax-payers and consumers. The world is messed up and no one gives a damn about anyone's views. At my school one of the teachers I know complained about teaching 'democracy' because it was highly unreflective of today's society and democracy is to me no different and flawed than communism. Claiming people have a fair say just because they make one measly vote every now and then is just like saying everyone is equal when it's obvious they're not because they aren't in comparison to people in the government. If 'democracy' was really as it said it was with all people getting their say then true democracy would be anarchy where there is no governing body and everyone is entitled to do and say as they please.
that is exactly what i say. if you are old enouh to pay taxes you should be old enough to vote.

teenagers are undervalued i feel. we are demonised and feared and to be honest the majority are real nice hard working people, and yes there are wrong uns and ones who have just lost there way but demonising them is'nt helping. when some excpects you to act in a certain way you usaully do.
people just have to do what they think is best for children. teenagers are still children and i guess we have to do the best we can to actually do whats best for them..their opinions and well being are important but i wouldnt expect them to run the teenage nation lol

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