Friday, July 30, 2010

How much effect do hormones have in teenagers?

What are the effects?

Can they be felt and noticed ?

When do they stop?How much effect do hormones have in teenagers?
A lot, they cause many effects. The function of hormones is to serve as a signal to the target cells; the action of hormones is determined by the pattern of secretion and the signal transduction of the receiving tissue. Hormone effects vary widely, but can include stimulation or inhibition of growth, induction or suppression of apoptosis (programmed cell death), activation or inhibition of the immune system, regulating metabolism and preparation for a new activity (e.g., fighting, fleeing, mating) or phase of life (e.g., puberty, caring for offspring, menopause). In many cases, one hormone may regulate the production and release of other hormones. Many of the responses to hormone signals can be described as serving to regulate metabolic activity of an organ or tissue. Hormones also control the reproductive cycle of virtually all multicellular organisms.

Depending on whether you're male or female they stop at different times. In males, hormones usually stop around 21 or 22, and in females hormones usually stop anywhere from 17-19 or 20How much effect do hormones have in teenagers?
Oh yea. They're VERY affective, that's why they change from kids to teenagers. They can be felt. The raging hormones stop usually round 18 or 19, then you mature into an adult.
barley any its more of somthing we make up so we can be rude to our perrents

none really


they dont really exist
well they cam always be felt and there will be just ared spot, and they just hurt for an hour or so.
enough to cause major damage if a adult is not there to take care of them
come on now...they affect every thing ....every thing in their lives, and yes it is noticeable

and for females it does slow down and but take on a different role as they get to young women, we all know that!

and guys

some slow down and stop, and some never act like they have slowed down or stopped having hormone related problems, some never every...


good luck
There are about 32 hormones operating your body functions just like oil and water in a car. If you change one you affect them all. Don't play with hormones. The few sex development hormones are doing their job too so you will become a reproducer . Relax the wheel is already invented do you want to reinvent the human body.
I am the mom of a 12 year old boy that is in the middle of puberty, and we (my husband and I) don't call them hormones we call them HORRORMONES! He's like a different child!

What are the effects? He used to be sweet and he's moody and fights everything we stand for.

Can they be felt and noticed ? I'm sure he feels them but we have sure noticed!

When do they stop? With any luck soon...before we all lose our sanity!
It is a total effect. Hormones effect every aspect of out lives for the rest of our lives. Each person react in a different way to the same hormone depends on their character and coping mechanisms.
you name it, its an effect! im serious before you start rolling you eyes at me!

hair, erections, mood swings, voice changes.. ect all the normal stuff that im sure you have already noticed and yes you can feel most of them, but some you just wake up and they are their and you never noticed it:)

they never stop! they slow down but continue through life that eventually start to dwindle but never go away:)

hope this helps:)
A LOT! I am soooooooo moody!!!
oooh yeah they can definately be noticed by a parent i have 2 kids going through hormonal crap and its not pretty!

moods, agressiveness, depression, frustration, tears etc
It depends on the person. Some teens are influenced incredibly by thier horomones. Some are barely influenced at all. Guys are usually affected most sexually. Girls just get somewhat moody and more vain. As far as when it ends, that is really up to the individual's body.
Big time there becoming adults and feel they should be able to run there own lives and the hormones just aggravate it and they don't even realize it. I know I went Thur puberty when my mother was going Thur her change of life. It was hell for my dad there for awhile
My daughter is almost 17 now. Yes, she became a different child when she started into puberty. It's been gradual . . . . and seems to have peaked in the past year or two, with it being the most difficult time of her life and my life as well, since I get the blunt of every crying spell and mood swing. I'm there for her always, but it's hard. I am really hoping that things will settle down in another year or so. Until then, I'm hanging in there with her, knowing that when she's a little older that she will be more even-tempered and a joy to be around 100% of the time.

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