Friday, November 25, 2011

How did some teenagers start drinking?

I need someone that really drinks I need to have a chat with the person. Will really appreciate this ThanksHow did some teenagers start drinking?
okay 1m 19 i ask my friends who are over 21 to get somw 4 me plus i have a cousin and my dad buys me beer and liquor when im with him.How did some teenagers start drinking?
i have to disagree with the whole 'alcoholism is hereditary'. That's merely your opinion, person who answered with that, not a fact. just cause someone in your family drinks, doesn't mean that you will too. and i speak from experience.

but to answer your question, it was just the fun sneaking around and being naughty drinking thing that started some of me and my friends off - like smoking behind the bike sheds. I wouldn't say it was escapism, as it was social drinking - but some could use 'social drinking' as a mask for a true problem.. i think we all used drink as a mask so we could be a bit more silly or do things we wouldn't have dared do without the dutch courage. But there's a difference between silly experimental teenage drinking and serious teenage drinking. I'm from a european country where you could rink a beer in a bar at 16, so teenage drinking isn't considered as serious there as it might in say america.. we just got over the whole student type drinking a lot younger.
i do.what do you need to know?
from experience, it is true that alcoholism is a hereditary thing, so some teens, just experiment that one time with friends then something triggers that disease, also some are having issues with divorced parents, maybe opposite sex, or being made fun of at school, so they try drinking and realize when they are drunk they laugh and they feel numb so its better than feeling sad, hurt etc., if your a parent of a teenaged alcoholic just be there for them, do not put down
ALL teenagers that start drinking start the same way

take the beverage, and put it to their lips and pour or start sucking through a straw

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