Friday, November 25, 2011

What do you think of over sheltered children as teenagers ?

When i say over sheltered i mean the parents don't let them go out unless they are with them or know the person personally, and how would you think they would act as a adult ?What do you think of over sheltered children as teenagers ?
they will turn out to be perfect kids................................... who are psychoWhat do you think of over sheltered children as teenagers ?
A major job of parents IS to protect their children - it is vital that they supervise (not smother) their children.

We need to protect our kids so that by the time they are 18 years old they have not been pregnant (or got anyone pregnant), are not addicted to drugs, have not been arrested, have never been drunk.

It is important that while you are protecting them, that you have frank discussions about those things, you can't leave them in the dark about all the nasty stuff in the world, but it is your job to help them learn how to avoid being contaminated by it all.

EDIT: Wow, I get thumbs down for raising great, clean, hard-working, non-drug taking, sober kids - must be some dopey people on here tonight!
These children typically don't develop self control and become overly permiscuous or extreme partiers once they go away to college or move out for any other reason. However, they can also develop the other extreme personality trait which is to withdraw completely since they don't know how to function without their parents around. Parents need to realize that their children, at an appropriate age of course, (most believe this to be at the time they can drive) need to venture out and have their own experiences. It not only builds confidence in the child, but opens doors to other life experiences.
I kind of pity them, but also know that most people grow up fine, no matter what their past. They become adults and adapt as necessary.

One person I knew had no curfew, was allowed to go around the city at all hours at 16. Another person, highly sheltered, absolutely no dating allowed until age 18. Both turned out fine, although the second was marginally more successful in life, I'd say.
im in that same situation and i think that what will happen is the parent will make the teen not want to be around them when they get older. the teen will get a taste of freedom oneday and when they become adults the parents will still try to hold on to them tightly,give them no freedom and monitor every little thing they do and they will rebel. the parents will try to discipline then and still tell them what to do, but it wont work. then the parents will be very upset, but when they should've been letting them get freedom they weren't.
Usually over sheltered kids rebel, like they don't listen so the parents loose control over them. Every person is different so either the over sheltered person could be wild, or could be the same way as theyre parents. It all depends. Generilization is difficult for this question.
they need to be kids and breath and trusting is the way too go sheltering them is going to have them not wanting to get into sports or hang around friends or not Knowing how to hold a conversation!!!!! you need trust and you need to let go they need freedom!!!!!!!!!!! if they are old enough get them sell phones so you can see how you can trust them!!!!!!!!!!
kids who have over protective parents, always get reckless and do things their own way when they become teenagers, they're tired of following rules, and getting bossed around. You wont be able to shelter them then.
i think being too over sheltered is bad but not good to be under sheltered either
My hubby was over sheltered and he turned out fine.
I dont think theyll be able to live on their own because of their past.

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