Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Should all teenagers start off with a crappy car?

someone at my work is about to buy their 16 year old a 2 year old lexus in almost new condition. Needless to say this person frequently spoils her kid at every chance she can get. I really feel that acts like this are actually detrimental to a childs upbringing. Shouldnt kids learn through trial and error. Kids are supposed to have crappy cars that are pain in the a*** to upkeep. It gives them responsibility, something that most teenagers know nothing about. does anyone agree, disagree?Should all teenagers start off with a crappy car?
for sure! I got my first car at 17 a 1991 oldsmobile, clean and prim condition (however i later learned about the engine, breaks, and other things were bad XD) and i was just washing the car today and noticed all the scratches and bumps the car now had. It occurred to me that as much as i said i was a good driver, it didn't make me perfect. No matter how old, a new driver is a new driver and WILL bump into fence posts, mailboxes, other cars, open their doors into objects, scratch it, and spill things in it. So it really does teach responsibility, NO child deserves a nice car until they have a really crappy one firstShould all teenagers start off with a crappy car?
I wouldn't say they should get crappy cars. They should have something safe and reliable. Also they should have to help with the purchase. Wheather they pay the parents a car payment or they save up and pay for it themselves. We plan to have our children save and then we will match whatever they have to help them get something reliable. I don't want my kids stranded anywhere because the car was a pos and broke down. But I don't want them to have everything handed to them either. I also don't think they should have something that is ';a pain in the a** to upkeep either';. Getting oil changes and keeping it clean, tagged and miantained should give them responsibiltiy.
I agree that teens should not start off with a brand spanking new car. It just sets their expectations way too high at such a young age. If you're used to the best of the best at 16, you're going to be extremely disappointed when you're starting off at the bottom of the career ladder and having to revert to owning things that weren't as good as what your parents gave you. I think it helps build character if a teen starts off with something old at first. Plus it's a set of wheels that gets you from A to B, that's all that should matter to them. When I was 16 and got my license, my parents let me have the 10-year-old family minivan to take me to school, work, etc. I was thrilled! My own transportation! My own wheels! It's a priviledge to be allowed to drive and I don't think that kids that are spoiled learn that.
I think all teenagers should start off with a crappy car, because you just got your license, you may know how to drive but your not that experienced.

I'm 17 [almost 18], and I got my license probably 25 days after I turned 16... my dad bought a new car and I got his old.

I still drive that piece garbage.. and I will until I can buy my own car.

The dome light is taped to the ceiling because it was falling off, it needs to go be fixed because something is falling off or something, and the ac doesn't work.. it doesn't have automatic anything, and when you roll down the drivers window you need be careful because the handle is broken. Plus; It's got major hail damage.

I'm not sure why I decided to go into great detail about my car, but.. bottom line; if I were smash the car, it wouldn't be thousands and thousands of dollars down the drain... whereas if I smashed a BRAND NEW car it wold of major money wasted.
i don't think you should have a ';crappy'; car so to speak.

but if someone give their kid a lexus, where's the next step? if they then expect their kid to grow up and get a maybach or ferrari when they're on their own, then fine whatever.

but don't buy your kid a lexus, and then wonder why they're still living in your house, asking for allowance, not paying a dime, and not being an ';adult';. what bothers me is when parents do all these things then expect their kid to act like they do, not taking into consideration it was their own trials and tribulations that matured them into the adult they currently are. instead, they put their kid through college, and then just cast them off without any life skills, because chronologically they're adults.
They should start out with whatever THEY saved their money for, and THEY insure and maintain.

It is not the parents' responsibility to hand over a vehicle. When kids earn it themselves, they will take care of it better, be more responsible. Spoiling and handing over whatever the darlings want teaches them that they are the center of the universe, and everything should come easy with no effort. It breeds Paris Hiltons.
Yes they should. Not just for a ';Right of passage'; or to ';learn values'; but because buying a teenager a new car is simply a waste of the parent's money. Scientifically, almost every teenager is going to get into some sort of fender bender. Whether they jump the curb, hit a pole, hit a parked car, or have a head on collision. They are NOT experienced drivers (until they reach age 25) That's why insurance on a teenager is so expensive.
I don't know if I'd say crappy, but I definitely think they should start out in a used vehicle. My daughter is getting her license in December and we have a 2001 Dodge pickup that she will be driving. She's really happy about it, but she does have some friends who have brand new cars. I think that kids should learn that they have to work for something. Nothing is just going to be handed to you. I wouldn't mind having a 2 year old Lexus. I think it is ridiculous to buy something like that for a teenager.
Ya because of insurance, crashes, responsibility, and money

teens don't need those nice cars yet. especially if you're still getting used to the fact that you're driving!!!

but those spoiled brats go through million dollar cars every 2 flippin months (like the ones on that sweet sixteen show)
I feel that you should teach your kids they have to work if they want nice things. Not everything in life is going to be handed to you, you have to work for things that you want. My parents helped me get a car, but didn't give it to me, I had to pay for the gas and insurance and things. Kids are too spoiled today
I do not know about crappy cars to teach responsibility, BUT I agree a first car should not be new because it is a learning process. The first car will probably gets a few dents and dings and an older car is more financially feasible for most parents to provide.
I think so. It really makes you value just having a car.

I am seventeen and have 1991 Toyota Camry. The car itself was 600 dollars. It just cost me 300 dollars for new brakes, belts, a boot, and rotors (it should have been more but luckily my mom's bf is a mechanic). Now I am leaking transmission fluid, so I have a little bit more to do.
that's true...

for those teens who are lucky enough to have parents to buy them a car at all..

it should be one that they helped pay for and since teens usually don't make that much money on there own it should be crappy so they learn that u gotta work for what u want
I agree to that. Its a rite of passage. But its really up to the parents to decide and if they can afford insurance and the possible fender benders on a lexus than more power to them.
Not nessasarily a crappy car that you got for 300 dollars at the side of the road, but nothing more then 10K with the teenager paying at least 20% in addition to all gas and insurance.
yes, they should

regardless of how much money you have, you should start off with a crappy car

i know this one girl, her parents got her a brand new 2008 car and she JUST got her drivers licence
Disagree. You should let parents decide hows they bring up THEIR OWN kids. I hate it when people just have to comment on other people's parenting, or anything else sensitive like that.
My sister just got the brand new lotus for her drivers license and my bro got a ferrari for his drivers license last year
I hope to start off with a Dacia 1310 =))
i think so it gives you perspective
I think that they should, I wrecked my first car.
i agree and im a teen
Honestly, yes.

It's a learning car, not the car you're going to keep the rest of your life.
I'm a teenager and my first car was a 95 Cavalier. It wasn't an old beater but it did have mechancial problems with involved me putting oil and power steering fluid in it constantly. I just sold the thing. It was costing me too much money. My Dad bought the car for me so obviously I gave him back the money I sold it for. I really appreciated him giving it to me.

I definatly wouldn't want a new car when I first got my licence. If I smashed a crappy one up, it isn't that big of a deal. Smash up a new Lexus and you're in some serious trouble. Also, if I was just given a Lexus, it isn't really teaching me anything other than ';run to Mommy %26amp; Daddy for anything I want';. I would never buy my son a new car for his birthday. I probably wouldn't hand one over to him either. He would either have to pay in total for it or pay for half (depending on the cost). Even if I wanted to give him one, I would tell him to save half the money and just put it away for him for repairs or something. That would teach him some responsibility.

Imagine the insurance on a Lexus for a 16 year old? Wow lol.I have a 2000 Sunfire GT and i'm almost 18, took drivers ed, and only use the car to drive my son to the doctor or sometimes to school and it's still over $100 a month. And those cars are certainly no wheres near the same category!

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